Windows-Subsystems für Linux
(posted 2020.03.26, last updated 2020.03.26)

Due to my gaming habbits, I am still a Windows user.

But sometimes, some things just are more elegant in Linux, or some tools are not available to Windows at all. So I was quite happy when I discovered WSL, as it allowed me to run linux commands on my Windows file system without switching back and forth to a dual boot Linux.


Running Windows 10.

Setup (optional)

# Ubuntu Setup ##################################
sudo -s
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade --with-new-pkgs
apt-get upgrade autoremove

Just my usual setup steps for my own mind:

TexLive (web), php7.0

apt-get install php7.0

Todo: nvm, node, lighthouse, sdk, composer, git, pdfnup/*join, ffmpeg, convert, openssh, telnet, imapdump
